Titel:Prof. Roger Pielke Sr.: Is Arctic Sea Ice Melting?
Details1:Is Arctic Sea Ice Melting?

My AT786 class examined this issue. In 2004, I published a paper with Glen Liston, Bill Chapman, and Dave Robinson which concluded for the period 1973-2002 that “The sea-ice decline from 1973 is about 6%, while from 1980 the decrease to 2002 is about 3%…….the 1980-2002 observed decrease is less then the simulated decrease of actual sea-ice areal coverage reported in Global Warming and Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Extent by Vinnokov et al. 1999. This paper was a follow up to a paper in 2000 by myself with Glen Liston and Alan Robock. One immediate question is why were these two papers not cited in the ACIA report?

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The Pielke research group focuses on land-atmosphere interactions on the local, mesoscale, regional, and global scales. These interactions include biophysical, biogeochemical, and biogeographic effects. The RAMS model is a major tool used in this research. RAMS has been coupled to two different ecosystem-dynamics models (CENTURY and GEMTM) as part of these studies. Also applied is the CCM3 atmospheric global model from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado. Our studies range from the tropics into the high Arctic regions. Our group has also applied RAMS to atmospheric-ocean interactions, including Arctic sea-ice feedbacks. We have investigated these nonlinear interactions within the Earth's climate system using the coupled RAMS model, as well as simplified nonlinear mathematical models.

We are also associated with the Colorado Climate Center, for which Dr. Pielke is the State Climatologist. The Climate Center provides outreach and service to the public, as well as monthly and longer-term analyses of Colorado's climate.


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If the facts change, I'll change my opinion.
What do you
do, Sir?

(John Maynard Keynes)

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